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7 Reasons to Stay Hydrated During the Menopause

I’m somebody who never forgets to eat. I love food and my body reminds me every few hours to eat something even if I am busy. However drinking water is a different story altogether! It’s just so easy to forget.


Did you know that as we age the water in our body decreases? This is due to the fact that estrogen makes it easier for the body to retain water so as we age and estrogen levels drop.


When we are younger our bodies consist of ca. 60-70% water and after menopause according to a study this decreases to 50%.


Apparently less than one in 10 Brits are drinking enough water. There are a plethora of benefits of drinking water that you should know about. Sometimes it’s a good idea to remind ourselves why drinking water is so important for us in order for us to encourage ourselves to adopt healthier habits:


1. Achieve Maximum Physical Performance

Your physical performance can and will suffer if you don’t drink enough water and stay hydrated. Think about how much water you lose when you sweat and exert your body. You need to drink even more water when you’re working out or exercising so that you can avoid dehydration. Dehydration can and will likely lead to a loss of strength and stamina. You’re sure to feel a lot more fatigued and won’t be able to perform your best when you fail to drink enough water.


2. Can Likely Prevent & Treat Headaches

When you’re dehydrated, it may be a trigger for headaches or even migraines, especially in menopause. Having more headaches is a well-known symptom of dehydration. Not only can water help prevent them from occurring in the first place but some studies show that taking in more water can also relieve headaches more quickly.


3. Has A Significant Impact on Brain Function & Energy Levels

Another reason to stay hydrated is that it significantly impacts brain function and energy levels. Hydration influences how your brain works and can even impair aspects of it. When you exercise you lose fluids and this decrease in fluids can lead to disruptions in mood and concentration. In addition, you may find changes in your memory or brain performance if you’re dehydrated. You might be more forgetful or feel as though you have brain fog about certain topics or matters.


According to neuroscientist Dr. Lisa Mosconi, “80% of the brain’s content is actually water. And every single chemical reaction that happens in the brain needs water to occur, including energy production. So, if you don’t have water or you don’t have enough, your brain will just not be able to make energy.”


4. Helps Relieve Constipation

You may want to drink more water and stay hydrated if you’re feeling constipated. It’s a common problem in menopause and you can increase your chances of having more regular bowel movements if you’re hydrated. If you’re someone who has frequent constipation then you may even want to consider drinking mineral water which can help relieve it.


5. Prevention of Hangovers

You may be someone who likes to enjoy a drink or two now and again. If this is the case, then you also likely should try to drink more water to prevent a hangover. Be glad to know that you can give yourself a better chance of doing so when you stay hydrated. Since alcohol is a diuretic it can lead to dehydration because you might lose more water than you’re taking in. Drinking excessively in menopause may harm your health or exacerbate symptoms, like hot flushes, mood swings, and insomnia. It’s possible you wake up with a headache, dry mouth, and feel fatigued and thirsty. Try to do your best to drink more water between drinks and before you go to bed if you’re drinking alcohol.


6. Might Aid in Treating Kidney Stones

Postmenopausal status is associated with having a higher risk of incident kidney stones and your chances of having them increase during this time in your life. An increase in water intake seems to decrease the risk of kidney stone formation. These clumps of mineral crystals that form in the kidneys can be quite painful. Water may work to dilute the concentration of minerals and give these crystals less of a chance of forming and causing you discomfort.


7. Gives You A Better Chance of Losing Weight

Being overweight can cause discomfort, frustration, and health problems. Carrying around excess weight can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Even though we don’t advocate calorie counting and extreme weight loss programs that are unhealthy, generally speaking maintaining a healthy weight through healthy eating habits and exercise is beneficial.


Water not only boosts your metabolic rate but can also increase satiety. You will feel that much fuller when you drink water before your meals so that you avoid overeating. There was one study that revealed people who drank 16.9 ounces (0.5 liters) of water prior to their meals lost 44% more weight over 12 weeks compared to the people who didn’t drink water before meals.


Tips for Staying Hydrated

It’s usually and highly recommended that you drink eight 8-ounce (237-mL) glasses of water per day. This can be a lot and difficult sometimes if you’re busy and not aware of what you’re putting in your body. So, how can you increase your water intake? Start by tracking how much you’re drinking and getting a realistic picture of your current habits. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day and fill it up regularly. 


Be sure to drink water before your meals and before you go to bed as well. You might also want to think about starting your morning off by drinking a tall glass of water and boosting your metabolism and energy levels. You can always squeeze some fresh fruits and vegetables into your glass of water if you don’t like the taste of it plain.



There are so many reasons to stay hydrated, and why drinking water is important during menopause that you should certainly consider taking in more of it. It’s good for your joints, skin, mood, and memory and helps reduce hot flashes and night palpitations. Now is the time to start making positive changes so that you can stay and be well throughout and after menopause. Take good care of yourself by drinking more water!


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